Information Technology

Blog posts from Envy Crosby discussing all things Information Technology, Enterprise Architecture and a women’s perspective working in IT.

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What is the difference between Human-Centred Design and Design Thinking?

Is there a difference between Human-Centred Design (HCD) and Design Thinking? To answer this question, let’s explore these two approaches. There’s been a noticeable shift towards using human-centric or customer-centric design methods in the past few years. Interestingly, I’ve been using HCD and Design Thinking methods for the last five years to develop strategy and

What is the difference between Human-Centred Design and Design Thinking? Read More »

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Let’s explore why Enterprise Architecture is so confusing.

What is Enterprise Architecture? Well, that is not a simple question to answer. Are you new school or old school? Are you a traditional textbook architect or a new-age strategic change agent? If I were to choose one answer, I like how Steve Andriole recently explored the definition of Enterprise Architecture in his Forbes article:

Let’s explore why Enterprise Architecture is so confusing. Read More »

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9 super valuable tools to keep in your Enterprise Architecture bag of tricks.

I’ve been in the IT Industry for 20 plus years and have been a certified and practising Enterprise Architect for over a decade. So trust me when I say I have tested many strategy and enterprise architecture tools and techniques. I am here today to tell you about nine (9) super valuable tricks to keep

9 super valuable tools to keep in your Enterprise Architecture bag of tricks. Read More »